The UIC Chapter of the State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA)




Section 1. The fiscal year shall be from January 1 through December 31. The Chapter shall submit to the State SUAA treasurer an annual financial statement for the past fiscal year within 30 days after the beginning of the new fiscal year.


Section 1. Membership in the Chapter is open to all participants in the State Universities Retirement System of Illinois (SURS), including all annuitants, their spouses and survivors, and current faculty and staff.

Section 2. Membership in the Chapter requires payment of Chapter dues (determined by the Chapter) and State dues (determined by the State Association).

Section 3. The Chapter may designate as “chapter honorary members” individuals who are not members or who otherwise are not eligible for membership, and who have rendered unusual and outstanding service to the Chapter or to UIC. Chapter honorary members may enjoy benefits and privileges of the Chapter as the Chapter may direct, but shall not pay dues and not serve as representatives to the State Association. Such honorary membership may be in perpetuity or for a specific term, as the Chapter may direct.

Should the service of a chapter honorary member or other recognized person be of such a nature as to benefit significantly the Association as a whole, the Chapter may submit his/her name to the State Awards Committee for possible State recognition.

Section 4. The Chapter may accept for regular membership a SURS annuitant or annuitant survivor not associated with UIC who, because of local residence, would prefer membership in the UIC Chapter.


Section 1. The officers of the Chapter shall be the President, the immediate Past President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.  These officers shall also serve as officers of the Board of Directors and shall perform the duties prescribed in these Bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Chapter.

Section 2.  The election of officers shall be on the agenda of the Annual Assembly.  The term of office of the officers shall begin at the close of the Annual Assembly at which they are elected.  The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and at least two Directors-at-Large shall be elected by ballot for two-year terms.  The President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, and one Director-at-Large shall be elected in odd numbered years, and the First Vice President, Secretary, and the second Director-at-Large shall be elected in even numbered years.  Upon completion of his/her term of office, the President shall become the immediate Past President and will serve in that capacity until the President completes his/her term and becomes immediate Past President.

Section 3. No member shall hold more than one elected office at a time.

Section 4. Five months prior to the Annual Assembly, the President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, shall appoint a Nominating Committee which shall select candidates for positions to be filled.  Voting will be carried out according to the most recent edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order.  Rule for in-person and virtual meetings are different.

Section 5. Should the office of the President become vacant during the term, the First Vice President shall assume the presidency until the next Annual Assembly. The Assembly shall then fill the vacancy by election for the balance of the term. Should the First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, immediate Past President, or a Director-at-Large vacate his/her office before their term is completed, the President, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, shall fill the position by appointing an ad hoc nominating committee which shall present candidate(s) for approval by the Board of Directors at their next scheduled meeting. The elected officer(s) shall serve out the remainder of the term.

Section 6. The responsibilities of the officers shall include, but not be limited to the following: 

  1. President:
    1. The President shall prepare the agendas and preside at meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Annual Assembly.
    2. The President shall appoint chairs and members of committees with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.
    3. The President shall provide regular reports on the activities of the Chapter to the membership of the Chapter.
    4. The President or a designated representative shall serve as the official representative and spokesperson for the Chapter in all relations with the State Association, other organizations, and agencies.
  2. First Vice President:
    1. The First Vice President shall provide advice and guidance for the Standing Committees.
    2. The First Vice President shall fulfill the obligations of the President when the President is unavailable.
  3. Second Vice President:
    1. The Second Vice President shall provide advice and guidance on all Chapter activities that are external to the UIC campus, especially on matters related to legislation at the state level.
  4. Secretary:
    1. The Secretary shall take minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors and of the Chapter, and shall seek approval of such minutes at subsequent meetings of said groups.
    2. The Secretary shall maintain the archives of the Chapter Board and Annual meetings (agenda and minutes) and the Bylaws.
  5. Treasurer:
    1. The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Chapter.
    2. The Treasurer shall collect monies assessed for Chapter activities and deposit said monies in Chapter accounts. If any membership dues are collected, such dues shall be forwarded to the State Association.
    3. The Treasurer shall pay all outstanding bills of the Chapter, as approved by the officers or the Board of Directors.
    4. The Treasurer shall provide regular reports on the financial status of the Chapter to the Board of Directors.
    5. The Treasurer shall prepare and provide the financial records of the Chapter for the annual audit of the Chapter.
    6. The Treasurer shall prepare and provide an annual financial report to the Annual Assembly.


Section 1. The Chapter shall be governed by a Board of Directors made up of the elected officers, the immediate Past President, the chairs of the Standing Committees, and three Directors-at-Large. 

Section 2. A majority of the membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any regular or special meeting. 

Section 3. Meetings of the Board of Directors, except for executive sessions that might be necessary to discuss sensitive issues, shall be open to UIC SUAA members. 

Section 4. The President shall prepare an agenda for each meeting. The agenda shall be distributed to the members of the Board of Directors at least one week prior to the meeting. Any Board member may submit agenda items prior to its being printed for distribution. Additions to the agenda may be presented from the floor of the meeting with the approval of two-thirds of the Board members in session

Section 5. The responsibilities of the Board of Directors shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. Approving the appointments by the President of the chairpersons of committees and advising the President on all other appointments
  2. Determining the annual Chapter dues
  3. Adopting Bylaws to govern its day-to-day operations
  4. Proposing amendments to the Chapter Bylaws


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall meet at least six times during each academic year, at approximately one-month intervals.

Section 2. If a Director cannot attend a scheduled meeting, s/he shall inform the President and may be excused.  If a Director accumulates three consecutive unexcused absences from regularly scheduled Board meetings, that Director shall be deemed to have resigned from the Board.

Section 3. The Board of Directors, all committees, and subcommittees shall be authorized to meet by telephone conference or through other electronic communications media so long as all the members can simultaneously hear each other and participate during the meeting.

Section 4.  All communications required in these Bylaws, including meeting notices, may be sent electronically.


Section 1. The Board of Directors shall designate Standing Committees needed for the activities of the Chapter.  The Standing Committees shall include Budget and Finance, Communication, Events Coordination, Insurance, Legislative, Membership, Program Planning, Publicity, and Social.  The Board may establish or disestablish Standing Committees by vote of a two-thirds majority of those present and voting.  Members of Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board.

The responsibilities of the chairs and members of the Standing Committees include the following:

Budget and Finance: The responsibilities of this committee, which is to be made up of the first Vice President as chair, the Treasurer, and one other Board member, include: review of the annual report of the Treasurer prior to its submission to SUAA and review of the Treasurer’s budget for the chapter for the coming year to the Board.

Communication:  This committee’s responsibilities include drafting communications to the membership, such as additional information recently made available on the website.

Events Coordination:  The responsibilities of this committee involve coordinating arrangements for scheduled events, such as identification of venues and making reservations.  This committee works in concert with the Social Committee.

Insurance:  This committee is charged with the responsibility of responding to inquiries that come from chapter members and others regarding the types of insurance that are available to SURS annuitants.

Legislative:  Responsibilities include  maintaining frequent contact with the SUAA Board and Executive Director for updates on legislation related to SURS benefits that may be pending or recently approved by the General Assembly and reporting this information to the UIC SUAA Board and members.

Membership:  This committee’s responsibility is to devise approaches to sustain and encourage growth of the membership.

Program Planning:  This committee is responsible for planning and assisting in the presentation of programs to chapter members and potential members.

Publicity:  The responsibility of this committee is to present the work of UIC SUAA to a broad audience of UIC constituents.

Social:  This committee is responsible for ordering and supervising food service and hospitality arrangements for programs that include such.  This committee works closely with the Events Coordination committee.

Section 2. The Chapter may, from time to time, establish special or ad hoc committees by majority vote of the Board of Directors. Members of special or ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors.

Section 3. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee.


Section 1. An Annual Assembly of the Chapter shall be held at such time and place as the Board of Directors shall determine.

Section 2. The President shall prepare an agenda which shall be distributed to the Chapter officers one week prior to the Annual Assembly.

Section 3. Additions to the agenda may be presented from the floor of the Assembly.

Section 4. The agenda for the Annual Assembly shall include, but not be limited to, the election of officers, including members-at-large of the Board of Directors, and annual reports by the President, Treasurer, and, when appropriate, the Chairs of Standing Committees. Members present shall have the opportunity to express ideas on matters concerning the welfare of annuitants and survivors. The Board of Directors shall give such ideas and suggestions full consideration.

Section 5. Other meetings of the Chapter may be called by the Board of Directors or by petition signed by not fewer than 20 active members of the Chapter.

Section 6.  If circumstances exist which limit or preclude in-person Annual Assembly meetings, the Board shall make provisions for electronic or virtual meetings or participation by members.


Section 1.  The fiscal year shall be from January 1 through December 31.  The Chapter shall submit to the State SUAA treasurer an annual financial statement for the past fiscal year within 30 days after the beginning of the new fiscal year.

Section 2.  Annual membership dues are composed of two parts: one is the amount of dues which goes to the SUAA parent organization, and the second part goes to the Chapter.  The amount for SUAA, the parent organization, is determined at a statewide SUAA meeting by chapter delegates.  The Board of Directors of the UIC Chapter determines the amount of dues needed by the Chapter for operations.  The total amount of membership dues is effective at the start of the following fiscal year.

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall have the power to disburse Chapter funds for the purposes of the Chapter.

Section 4. The financial records of the Treasurer shall be reviewed in January by a special committee appointed by the President.  The report of this committee shall be sent to the SUAA office in January.

Section 5.  Personal Expenses.  Members acting primarily on behalf of the Chapter, as provided by the Bylaws and directives of the President or Board of Directors, may be compensated for personal expenses thus incurred, subject to limitation in amount, nature of expense, and type of service performed as set forth by the Board.  This includes such individuals as officers and chairs of standing committees.


Section 1. The SUAA Bylaws stipulate that each Chapter is entitled to two delegates to serve on the State SUAA House of Delegates. Chapters with more than 400 regular paid members are entitled to a third delegate and an additional delegate for each subsequent 400 paid members.

Section 2. Before each meeting of the State House of Delegates, the Chapter President, with the advice and consent of the Chapter Board of Directors, shall designate individuals to serve as State Delegates at the meeting. When membership in the Chapter exceeds 400, or a multiple of that figure, the additional Delegate(s) shall be designated before the next State SUAA House of Delegates meeting.

Section 3. All members of the Chapter may, at their own expense, attend the annual meeting of the State SUAA and may participate in discussions, but will not be privileged to vote.


Section 1. At the conclusion of the term of office, each officer and committee chairperson shall endeavor to provide information and/or records deemed crucial to the continuation of that office to his/her successor.

Section 2. The Chapter shall allow for, and encourage, digital records management and storage.

Section 3:  Electronic storage of records shall be the preferred form of preserving Chapter archives.


Section 1. The current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the accepted Parliamentary Authority for the Chapter except when conflicting with its Bylaws.

Section 2. The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian for the Annual Assembly and any special meetings.


Section 1. Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by members of the Board of Directors.  Notice of the proposed amendment(s) shall be in the hands of the Board of Directors at least one week prior to the meeting at which approval will be sought.

Section 2. A proposed amendment shall become effective immediately unless otherwise specified.

Section 3. A two-thirds majority of those present and voting shall be required for the passage of an amendment.

Adopted: October 20, 2020,  Last amended: March 8, 2022